This Gee Bee offers a fantastic and unique flight image with its first-class design and brilliant optics. With us you get the Gee-Bee with the original Oracover film. The model impresses with the new revised construction, a perfection in finish, processing and accessories. This model sets new standards. ARF model in wooden construction, already covered, including landing gear and wheels with high-quality accessories such as:
Linkage parts, screws, control horns, hinges, servo arms and much more .The Gee Bee R3 is a further development of the types R1 and R2. Due to the longer fuselage, it should have significantly better flight characteristics and be easier to land. Unfortunately, the R3 never got past the design phase. The age of air racing and the associated high prize money was over and the R3 was no longer built.
- Easy assembly. Excellent fit of parts
- Excellent covering and finish work
- Comes with fiberglass cowl and wheel pants
- Prehinged and pinned control surfaces
- Extensive quality hardware package
Wingspan 59 in. (1500mm)
Length 52.75 in. (1340mm)
Wing area 610.7sq. in. (39.4dm.)
Flying weight 116.4oz. (3300-4000g)
Electric Motor-AXI 4130/16 (1500/1800W)
Engine 70-90 2-Stroke
91-120 4-Stroke
Radio- 4CH 5 Servos
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